
The origin of Geothermal power (Worldwide)

Italia, the birthplace of geothermal energy

The world’s first geothermal power plant was established in 1904 in Larderello, Italy, where the first successful electricity generation test was conducted in (Capacity: 0.55kW). In 1913, the first steam powered geothermal plant was put into commercial use. Following by a period of steady development, total production of electricity has surpassed 120000 kW in 1942. However, during the World War II, everything was reduced to ash.


New Zealand, the father of ‘Reinjection of hot water’ method

During its occupation of Larderello, Italy in WWII, Newzealand came into contact with geothermal technology. Applying this newly found technology, in 1958 New Zealand opened its first geothermal plant situated in Wairakei. It is here that the method of separating steam from hot ground water was developed and become widespread. The same principles were also utilized in Japan’s first geothermal power plant.


Ireland, the world’s leader in geothermal energy

Ireland is home to a population of 330000, living on an island with the area of Shikoku and Hokkaido combined and no short of volcanoes. Facing the devastating effects of the oil crisis, the country set up plans to fully utilize its own natural power source and construct a total of 7 geothermal power plants in 1977. Currently, Ireland’s power demand is almost 100% supplied by renewable energy, 20% of which is contributed by geothermal sources, making them one of the world’s leaders in geothermal energy.


USA, “Recharge”-able geothermal power plant

In America, Geysers Geothermal power plant was established on The Geysers, the world's largest geothermal field in 1960. Despite the steady development in geothermal power until the later half of 1980s, the decrease in geothermal gas resulting in lower level electricity production became a cause of great concern. To solve this problem, treated sewage effluent from sewage treatment plant is injected into the geothermal field where it replenishes the steam produced for power generation. Utilizing this “Recharge” method, 1977 saw a recovery of stable electricity production.


The origin of Geothermal power (In Japan)
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