
Dry steam plants

Steam power generation is a method of electricity generation by turning the turbine directly with high-temperature (over 200-300°C) natural steam available in the geothermal reservoir. There are 2 types of dry steam power plants: the steam dominant type where only steam is injected from the reservoir layer and a hot water dominant type where hot water and steam are mixed and injected.
Although the steam dominated type is the simplest power generation method, but the only example of this type of power plant in Japan is the Matsukawa Power Station, also known as the first geothermal power plant in Japan


Matsukawa Geothermal Power Station


The first geothermal power station in our country. Capacity changed from 22,000 kW to 23,500 kW in June 1993.
Matsuo village, Iwate Prefecture
Tohoku Hydroelectric Geothermal Corporation
Started operation on October 8, 1972


Dry steam system

At the Matsukawa Power Station, electric is generated by turning the turbine with natural dry steam from geothermal steam wells. This is called the dry steam method.


Single Flash plants
Double flash plants
Binary plants

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